2017 Compassion 575 Brochure

See videos of the beautiful children
from the CDCs thanking donors

What is a Child Development Center?

Sri Lanka – CDC report 4th Qtr 2016
Sri Lanka - CDC report 1st Qtr 2017
Sri Lanka – CDC report 2nd Qtr 2017
Sri Lanka – CDC report 3rd Qtr 2017

BNM – CDC report June 2015
BNM – CDC report June 2016
BNM – CDC report September 2016

Nepal – CDC report December 2014
Nepal – CDC report 2015
Nepal – CDC report June 2016

2009 Post-Ride Interview & Pictorial
2011 Ride Across The USA

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries

South Asia Field

2014 Shadow Riders

Motorcycle Fundraiser Ride - Saturday, August 10, 2013.

Today's Reflecting God Devotional

Compassion 575 articles:

Virginia District Children Partner with Compassion 575
Featured in HT Magazine

Featured in Engage Magazine
Shadow riders cycle for children May 2014

Helping Hands
Serving A God of Second Chances
575 bike ride raises $105,000+ for South Asia CDCs

Send your tax deductible check payable to:
"Global Treasury Services, Church of Nazarene"
*write in the memo area NCMCOMP575*

Mail to:
Compassion 575

P.O. Box 82
Vinton, VA 24179-0082

"It is incredible to see the difference within the villages across South Asia where CDCs have been established. Not only are the children benefiting from this program, entire families and villages are being transformed by the love of Christ. It is truly a privilege to witness this first-hand."

Jeff Jackson
South Asia Field Work & Witness Coordinator

"The children of South Asia are worth the sacrifice. The investments partners have made provide hope to children struggling in extreme poverty. We have witnessed first-hand the impact faith-based education in CDCs is having on children, families, and villages. NCM-South Asia is reaching children, who without the love of Christ, live in hopelessness, trying to survive in a world of disease, natural disasters, exploitation, and even slavery. Thank you for joining us on the journey!"

David and Sharon Argabright
Founders, Compassion 575